Earn your special edition black and silver Star Wars belt by playing the first page of this music below. StarWarsSheetMusic

Homemade Musical Instrument Competition Winners announced

  Jacobo of Year 7 won a mini amplifier for his amazing PVC pipe boom-a-phone. Maria of Year 3 won a melodica for her chimes. Judges were all very impressed with the creativity of the students who submitted instruments to the competition. Congratulations!

UKP day Songbook

Here is the songbook that some groups in the ukulele extracurricular activity are using to prepare for springtime concerts.  June 3 we will be performing in the 2nd edition of UKPday in Ribadavia. This link takes you to a scanned pdf of the songbook: ukp-songbook-2017 Here is the youtube playlist for all of the songs…

Christmas Concerts

Here is the 2016 Uke and the Leles Christmas Songbook. On Wednesday, 21st of December, a small group of ukulele players will give a concert and workshop in Doral Residencias teaching the residents a few chords and inviting them to sing along with festive holiday music. On Friday, 23rd of December, volunteer ukulele players will…

URBANA bike Concert

The O Castro Ukulele Band UKE and the LELES will perform as part of Vigo’s 3rd edition of Festival nun Local.  We will play a concert in a motorcycle shop at 12:00 on Saturday, 19th November. The first 18 ukulele players to sign up will be the band for this concert, so if you know…

Songlist for Ukedada October 22

This is not an event organised by the school, but teachers and ukulele players from the school will be participating and leading a play-along/sing-along. These are the songs we will be doing: YMCA, Village People Imagine, John Lennon La Bicicleta, Shakira and Carlos Vives I Love U All, Paula and Aurora The Cup Song, Anna…

Teachers’ Favourite Songs Contest

We have surveyed all of the teachers and many staff at O Castro asking them to name their favourite song. You can hear all of these favourite songs on Spotify and YouTube.  The playlists are called OCIS Teachers 2016 and are fun to listen to because there are so many different kinds of music represented. Guess…

Galicia Ukulele Event

This year is the first UKP-day festival in Ribadavia on June 4th. I’m so excited to meet other ukulele players from all around Galicia, Spain and Portugal. Free admission and all ages welcome.